Monday, April 20, 2020


i am quite proud of this little piece published at Entropy Magazine.  <3

i don't know how i forgot to post the link here but, there you have it, i can be distracted and forgetful and sometimes far too casual about things which have earned a better sort of respect than what i've given.  this little piece had been published way back in late january when the world was a much different place and it is very much about how the life we know can change in an instant.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

buckling beneath a moment of self pity


sometimes i feel like i'm just picking up scar after scar after brand new bright and shiny scar.


waking from an unsatisfying nap at 7pm, i think: i am not the only sad person in the world.

i am not the only sad person in this city.

i am not the only sad person in this house.

i can remember the fantasies i had as a child. so often, hours and afternoons spent in the haze of a trance, wishing for blindness. i wanted so badly for beauty not to matter. not the way in which it seemed to. i chose to trust my nighttime logic. the one used against bedroom demons: eyes slammed shut, covers pulled up, no loose toe left to dangle, to taunt and tempt their eager, dripping teeth; the promise of a simpler physics: that if you couldn't see them, they couldn't see you.

years later,

with eyes closed

i lay in the large, warm square of sunlight

yawning through the sliding glass door.

the world behind my eyelids becomes a deep and welcoming red.

i lay back

wanting not to know

who might be looking at me
